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The npm package @open-sauced/conventional-commit is designed to help users git commit using commitizen and conventional commits.


This package uses the following modules:


npm install --save-dev @open-sauced/conventional-commit

Add the verification scripts to your scripts section in the package.json file:

"scripts" {
"push" "npx @open-sauced/conventional-commit"

The reason why we provide npx in the scripts section is for the people using this as a development enhancement, interactive configurations, or trimmed dependency trees, where using npx is preferred over installing all the dependencies at once.


All you have to do is run the script next to your package.json:

npx @open-sauced/conventional-commit
# or
npx conventional-commit

Advanced Usage

The most common use case for this package is to run it instead of the git commit command inside your npm scripts:

"scripts" {
"push" "npx @open-sauced/conventional-commit"


"scripts" {
"push" "npx conventional-commit"

If you want to ensure local-only usage:

"scripts" {
"push" "conventional-commit"



We're always happy to onboard people into open source!

Check out the repository at @open-sauced/conventional-commit. ❤️